VCCP achieves IPA Effectiveness Accreditation for the second year running


Agency News



Today marks a proud moment for VCCP, as we have officially achieved  Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) Effectiveness Accreditation for the second year running. 

This prestigious accreditation is run by the IPA and signifies a remarkable feat in advertising strategy and measurement proficiency. It is a testament to our commitment to excellence in the advertising industry and showcases our skills in crafting successful advertising campaigns and conducting rigorous evaluations of their impact. 

As part of the process, each agency had to demonstrate to a panel of advertisers, academics, authors and effectiveness specialists that their cultures were dedicated to effectiveness across four criteria: focus, people, process and data, tools and measurement. It is a recognition for agencies that have consistently delivered outstanding results and maintained a high standard of measurement proficiency, demonstrating the real value their campaigns bring to clients. VCCP joins a select group of 30 agencies that have earned this recognition.

NatWest chief marketing officer Margaret Jobling, who is chair of the IPA Effectiveness Accreditation judges, commended the agencies for exemplifying an "expectation of effectiveness between brand marketers and agencies by celebrating the agencies that make it central to their business culture".

This achievement was made possible through the collaborative efforts of our clients, who played an integral role in our journey to creating impactful and effective advertising campaigns. Congratulations to our exceptional team at VCCP for all their hard work.

Read more here about the IPA Effectiveness Accreditation in Campaign.