Respekt’s movement for meaningful influencers







This is an influencer campaign flipped on its head. Respekt magazine needed to attract younger readers, and it would have been obvious to turn to influencers. So we took a different route, partnering up with people whose influence on our world is evident, but you would hardly find the label "influencer" in their bio. Instead, their CVs read titles like space engineer, activist, scouting institute director, and more.

Our challenge was to drive young people's interest in educating themselves on the most pressing topics of today, which are often overlooked by the classic influencer scene. Featuring six public personas, we stress the importance of spotlighting topics such as internet safety, science or women's rights in our conversations, online and offline.

"Each of us can be an influencer, it's only about trying to have an impact on how the world around us works"

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Project for Economia