The best gifts are made not bought




Advertising, Digital



To create a hand-made gift is not easy, but cheers the most.

Inspiring people to eat healthy and really think about the food they consume – that is a mission that accompanies all the Albert campaigns. And since in VCCP Prague, we take this issue very personally – we all love to eat – we searched for tools that would encourage viewers to get creative about the food and help us once and for all change the commonly shared view of an often "dull" cooking routine.

We wanted to bring fresh inspiration to the kitchen. We wanted to show people that they could truly enjoy grocery shopping, combine ingredients in new, unexpected ways, and last, but not least, we wanted to show them that the time spent by preparing a meal was definitely worth their while – ´cause it could be the time spent together.

Time and love are the main ingredients.

In the previous campaigns, our creative team managed to transform cooking it into an enjoyable, meaningful activity through which we can all celebrate every single day – by devoting serious time and attention to food we are about to prepare, improving our family´s eating habits and having fun at the same time...

And it was a similarly simple solution that we found when the one question that scares creatives all over the world from an early spring – How to return Christmas its true value? – started resonating through the walls of our agency.

Let´s be honest, what we nowadays lack the most is the time for our family, the true joy taken of the common family activities, showing that despite all the every-day drama what matters the most are our loved ones. Through our Christmas spots, we stripped our often complicated reality down to the core, and highlighted the need for honest, hand-made gifts as the exact opposites of any last minute glitter. What is more, we did not reach for the probably expected scheme, but we let it be the children who rewarded their parents for all their patience and loving service.

Our powerful story radiated not only in the hearts of mums – along with the little boy baking cookies for his mummy, we introduced a touching story of a dedicated sports player preparing Camemberts for his team as a form of support, and for a granddad making a guitar-shaped cake for his granddaughter.

The Albert Christmas campaign was an example of how deep human insight led to turning ordinary family moments into a heart-felt reminder of the permanence and unconditional nature of love.

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This was a
Advertising, Digital
Project for Albert