Never outgrow Christmas







The holiday season is a time for joy and celebration, but it can also be incredibly stressful. As we get wrapped up in growing to-do lists, the real meaning of the holiday season can easily get lost.

However, while we adults are caught up in the frenzy of holiday responsibilities, children are buzzing with pure, unfiltered excitement. This childlike wonder became the inspiration of our campaign, which aims to help everyone reclaim the innocent joy that comes so naturally to children during the holidays.

The campaign journey is divided into three main phases, mirroring the typical holiday preparations: shopping, baking, and culminating in Christmas Eve dinner. And it’s Albert's wide selection of Christmas food and gifts that allows everyone to cook up something that will spark joy in others and themselves.

Albert’s commitment to community enriches the narrative. This year, they donated 6 million meals to those in need, amplifying the campaign's message of rediscovering joy by spreading it. The campaign features not just Albert employees but also children from a local home, in collabortion with the Albert Foundation. This dual spotlight reinforces our campaign message: joy is universal and should be shared.

The campaign was brought to life by director Robert Hloz and produced by Bistro Films.

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Project for Albert